Inclusive Growth
At Boodles we believe the term ‘family business’ extends beyond just the shareholders that own the business, and permeates down to the staff who play a pivotal role in the brand’s successes. Our employees are our most valuable asset and we strive to create an inclusive and supportive environment in order to nurture growth & productivity. Moreover, we recognise that it is not only our immediate employees that are impacted by our actions, and endeavour to support and drive economic development across our entire spectrum of stakeholders, in every corner of the globe.
Supporting Stakeholders
We feel it is important to acknowledge that many of our diamonds, gemstones and precious metals are sourced from communities that are economically far less fortunate than our own.
Rather than choosing to move our operations away from these areas, to more stable and developed communities, we aim to contribute to the economic empowerment of them.
In addition to the growth we enable through our Single Mine Origin Gold partnership, in 2022 our targeted support empowered over 450 young adults in the Cullinan mining community in South Africa, something we wish to grow year on year.

Development and beyond
We heavily invest in staff training and development, and we strongly encourage and support our employees in furthering their qualifications to grow their knowledge and talent. By offering training programs, workshops, and educational opportunities, we ensure our team members can continuously advance their skills and expertise.
We also greatly value the health and mental wellbeing of our employees. We provide health insurance to all employees, along with mental health support.

Equal Opportunities
Equality is of the utmost important to us at Boodles and something that we pride ourselves on. We believe that talent comes from all walks of life and strive to create an inclusive and supportive working environment. Boodles provides a wealth of opportunities for its employees and looks for industry leading talent, immaterial of factors such as gender, age, ethnicity or sexual orientation.
We are proud to support female empowerment; 50% of our management roles are held by women and 66% of the total Boodles workforce is female.