Corporate Responsibility
Boodles Code of Conduct
Boodles is a family company founded in 1798. Throughout our long history, values of honesty, integrity and transparency have been at our core.
At Boodles we choose to work closely with only a few select suppliers. We expect all of our suppliers to adhere to our values in all of their business practices, which are articulated through our Code of Conduct.
Boodles Exclusion Policy
Boodles recognises that mining of gold, diamonds and gemstones on which it relies is a major contributor to economic growth and development for many countries across the world.
Responsible Jewellery Council
UK Modern Slavery Act
At Boodles, we are dedicated to maintaining the highest ethical standards across our operations and supply chains. We firmly believe that modern slavery and human trafficking have no place in our business. This statement outlines the steps Boodles has taken to identify, prevent, and address any potential risks related to modern slavery and human trafficking, in compliance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
Boodles Charitable Trust
Boodles Gold
We are proud to announce that Singe Mine Origin Gold is now being used in Boodles jewellery designs.